A paranoid schizophrenic whose savage attack left his mum dead and his dad badly injured is one of 10 NHS cases to be reviewed after a pensioner was stabbed to death.
Graeme Morris, 38, travelled from his home in Brighton in October 2012 to launch an assault on his parents at their bungalow in Troon , Ayrshire.
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Fred, 64, survived but Anne, 63, suffered a fatal heart attack.
Morris, who was known to the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust before the attack, was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
He admitted the culpable homicide of his mum and assaulting his dad to the danger of his life and was detained ­indefinitely at the State Hospital at Carstairs, Lanarkshire.
A review has now been launched after it emerged several patients treated by the trust had been involved in similar tragedies in the past five years.
It was announced after Matthew Daley, 35, was convicted on Monday of stabbing retired solicitor Don Lock, 79, to death after a minor car collision in Sussex while suffering violent delusions.
Don’s family accused mental health workers of missing a series of red flags and ignoring pleas to section Daley.
Ten tragedies will be reviewed, including that of Morris, an unemployed artist who thought he was a genius and had falsely claimed he had been harmed by his parents. He was on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist at the time of the attack.
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said yesterday: “It became clear while we were ­investigating what happened with Mr Daley’s care that ­independent ­scrutiny of our services will help us ensure the care and treatment we provide is as safe as can be.
“We have worked with NHS England to commission an independent ­assessment of how we have responded to homicides involving people who have used our services in the last five years. This report will cover 10 homicides.”